How to delete inactive wordpress themes and plugins

WordPress, the world’s most popular content management system, offers exceptional flexibility thanks to its themes and extensions. However, accumulating unused themes and extensions can slow down your site’s performance. In this article, we’ll explore how to optimize your WordPress site by removing inactive themes and extensions using the Advanced WP Reset plugin.

Why removing inactive themes and extensions is crucial

Removing inactive themes and extensions is crucial for several reasons, primarily related to site performance, security, and user experience. Here’s a breakdown of these points:

Site Performance

  • Resource Consumption: Inactive themes and extensions may still consume server resources even if they are not actively used. This can affect the overall performance of your website by using unnecessary memory and processing power.
  • Database Clutter: Unused themes and extensions can clutter your database, leading to slower queries and increased loading times. A clean and organized database is essential for efficient website performance.


  • Out-of-Date Software: Inactive themes and extensions that are not regularly updated can become security vulnerabilities. Developers regularly release updates to patch security flaws. Removing unused and outdated themes and extensions reduces the potential attack surface and minimizes the risk of exploitation.
  • Proactive Management: Regularly managing and updating your themes and extensions is a proactive security measure. It helps ensure that only secure and up-to-date software is running on your site, reducing the likelihood of security breaches.

User Experience

  • Site Speed: A website that loads quickly provides a better user experience. Removing unnecessary themes and extensions contributes to faster loading times, which is crucial for retaining visitors. Users are more likely to stay engaged with a site that responds promptly to their actions.
  • Responsiveness: Streamlining your website by eliminating inactive elements enhances its responsiveness. This is particularly important for mobile users, as fast-loading and responsive sites improve accessibility and usability across various devices.
  • Overall Satisfaction: Users generally prefer websites that are well-maintained, secure, and offer a seamless experience. Regularly cleaning up and optimizing your site contributes to a positive perception among visitors.

In addition to regular maintenance, employing efficient tools plays a pivotal role in sustaining a website’s health. A prime example of such a tool is the Advanced WP Reset plugin. This plugin goes beyond the routine cleanup of inactive themes and extensions. By providing a comprehensive reset solution, it allows website administrators to revert their WordPress installations to a pristine state, eradicating all content, settings, and customizations.

Implementing Advanced WP Reset is not only a smart addition to your maintenance arsenal but also a strategic move toward ensuring optimal site performance, fortifying security, and crafting a seamless user experience. This tool acts as a reset button for your website, eliminating accumulated clutter and potential vulnerabilities that might have accrued over time. As part of a proactive approach to website management, integrating Advanced WP Reset into your routine can pave the way for a smoother, more efficient, and secure online presence.

Steps to remove inactive themes and extensions with Advanced WP Reset

Advanced WP RESET, the advanced wordpress Reset tool, offers a complete solution for cleaning up your site by removing unnecessary themes and extensions.

Nuclear Reset

The Nuclear Reset option is an extreme and comprehensive feature available in certain plugins, like Advanced WP Reset, that offers a drastic solution to reset a WordPress site. When users opt for the Nuclear Reset, they are essentially choosing to erase everything associated with their website, spanning from files and custom configurations to database tables.

  1. File Removal

All files within the WordPress installation directory are deleted. This includes core files, theme files, plugin files, and any additional files or directories present.

  1. Custom Options

Custom options and settings, which may have been configured through the WordPress dashboard or through specific plugins, are completely wiped out. This encompasses any personalized site settings, preferences, or configurations.

  1. Database Tables

Every table in the WordPress database is truncated or dropped. This action eliminates all data stored in the database, including posts, pages, comments, user information, and any other content.

  1. Themes and Plugins

All themes and plugins, whether active or inactive, are deactivated and potentially removed. This ensures a clean slate, free from any residual code or configurations associated with themes and plugins.

  1. User Accounts

User accounts, along with their roles and permissions, are deleted. This includes the administrator account and any other user profiles that may have been created.

  1. Media Files

Media files, such as images and uploads, are typically removed during a Nuclear Reset. This clears the media library and ensures a complete removal of all associated files.

  1. Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

Any custom post types or taxonomies that have been added to the WordPress site are also eliminated, contributing to a thorough reset.

The Nuclear Reset is a powerful but potentially risky option. It should be approached with caution as it results in the complete loss of data and configurations. This option is usually recommended for scenarios where a website needs an absolute fresh start or in situations where security concerns or extensive issues warrant such a drastic measure. Before choosing the Nuclear Reset, it’s crucial to have a backup of the website to prevent irreversible data loss.

Custom Reset


Custom Reset option only available for Pro version provides you with full control over your Reset process. As you can see below, it gives you the option to choose which Theme you want to keep activated, which one you want to deactivate and finally which themes you want to delete


Same thing goes for Plugins. The Custom Reset option, exclusive to the Pro version, empowers users with complete control over the reset process. As depicted below, it allows you to specify the active, inactive, and deletable plugins, enabling a tailored approach to managing your WordPress plugins.

The custom reset option provided by Advanced WP Reset, is beneficial in several scenarios. It’s useful for development and testing by quickly restoring a site to a clean state. It aids in evaluating new themes or plugins, cleaning up and optimizing sites, recovering from security incidents, facilitating user training, easing content creation, and supporting site migration or cloning. This feature provides flexibility and efficiency in managing and troubleshooting WordPress websites.

Additional benefits of Adanced WP RESET

Backup before Deletion

In the realm of website management, the importance of safeguarding your data cannot be overstated. With the Advanced WP Reset’s backup-before-deletion feature, users can enjoy a worry-free experience. This feature allows for instant, full backups of the WordPress database before any deletions occur. By having a reliable backup, users gain the assurance that, if needed, they can effortlessly revert to a previous state. This not only eliminates the stress associated with potential issues like white screens but also streamlines the troubleshooting process, saving valuable time that would otherwise be spent on intricate problem-solving.

Database Optimization

After the removal of inactive themes and extensions, a well-organized database is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of your website. By cleaning up unnecessary data and optimizing the database structure, the Advanced WP Reset plugin contributes to a smoother and more responsive site. This optimization is not only beneficial for site performance but also promotes a more streamlined and resource-efficient operation.

Scheduled Cleanups

As your WordPress site evolves and undergoes changes, it may accumulate redundant data, obsolete content, and unnecessary extensions. These elements can not only occupy valuable server space but may also pose security risks or hinder site performance. Advanced WordPress Reset introduces a solution with its Scheduled Cleanups feature. This allows users to automate the process of removing unused data and maintaining the site’s optimal performance. By setting up regular cleanups, administrators can proactively manage their website’s health, ensuring that it remains efficient, secure, and free from unnecessary clutter over time.

Optimizing your WordPress site by removing inactive themes and extensions is a crucial step in ensuring optimal performance, enhanced security and a great user experience. With the Advanced WP Reset plugin, this process becomes not only simple but also secure, thanks to features such as backup before deletion, database optimization and scheduled cleanups.